Habits that's make Prefect Health
Hi. I'm Naba, Today I would like to share which Habits that's make Prefect Health here is seven healthy Japanese habits with you because many of my foreign friends asked me many times Why are Japanese people so healthy and have long lifespans? From my point of view, I also was to recognize that Japan has other various problems within its society and daily life such as natural disasters, death by fatigue from overworking, and suicide. But there are also good traits and habits  that's make Prefect Health of Japanese  Here are seven healthy Japanese habits that I can think of. 
Habits that's make Prefect Health
So let’s get started. First, the habit of taking a bath daily. In Japan, there are more than 3000 hot spring areas. Public baths are everywhere in the city, and bathtubs are installed in every house.
Habits that's make Prefect Health
 Japanese people love taking baths, even the monkeys too. And I also love it too, and basically, I always enjoy lounging in the bath. I think this habit of taking a bath is a big reason why Japanese people can stay physically healthy. I think there are three main reasons. The first is that it warms your body, which has the effect of helping your muscles relax. Second, water pressure within the bath helps improve metabolism as well as excretes toxins within the body. Thirdly, because being in water allows your body to float, the pressure on bones and muscles is reduced, which helps to relieve back pain and stiff shoulders. When I lived in Canada and Australia, I only showered. So I know that even taking a shower will warm and refresh your body. But after all, I feel that when I take a bath, my body is warmer and refreshed and I feel less tired after that. Japan has an abundance of water, so I can take a bath every day, but in many countries, it may be difficult to take a bath every day. But if you can, and if you are interested in it, please give it a try. Second, the habit of cleaning.
Habits that's make Prefect Health
 Japanese people love cleaning.  Or rather, it's become a habit. I think it depends on the person, but basically, I clean my house every day. If we have time, I also clean my neighborhood and public areas. Even Japanese soccer fans took their trash home after the world cup match. I think the reason why Japanese people clean so much is that it connects to an important concept of Shintoism, which is cleanliness. Another reason may be because we have been cleaning since early childhood at school. This cleaning habit keeps the environment around you clean and hygienic. I think this hygienic environment is one of the reasons why Japanese people can live a healthy lifestyle. Third, the habit of special daily exercise. 
Habits that's make Prefect Health
Have you ever heard the word radio calisthenics? This is a common exercise you can see in the morning in Japan. It’s called Rajio Tasso, which is a composition of many stretches and movements you do with a song. It seems that it is said to be "one of the reasons why Japan is considered to be a country of longevity" from overseas. Originally it was made in 1928 to improve the health of Japanese people. When I do the sequence, it looks like this. It's pretty tiring if you do it seriously
Habits that's make Prefect Health
. As many as 13 types of exercises are combined within 3 minutes and 13 seconds. Since it moves the body continuously, it not only has a cardio-like effect but also has the effect of stretching like doing yoga.  Also, because it is easy to do, many age groups can enjoy it, from children to the elderly. Fourth, the habit of getting up early.
Habits that's make Prefect Health
Here is an interesting story about Japanese people around 1900, which is written by Lafcadio Hearn from the United States, who was an English teacher in Japan. The villagers were chatting and gargling, washing their faces using dich water. Many of us were wondering what these people were doing, and as soon as the sun rose from the mountain, they all turned to the sun. They said, “Thank you for always looking over us" and prayed with a clap of their hands. Until about 100 years ago, Japanese people used to get up early every morning and worship the sun. Now, this habit only remains during the New Year, but the old Japanese used to do that every day. The reason for worshiping the sun is that in Shintoism, the sun is the supreme deity of Japan. Unfortunately, young people, today don’t have such a habit, but many of the older generations still get up early and some people continue this habit. By getting up early, and exposed to the morning sun, your natural clock will reset and be in tune with the day's energy. Fifth, the habit of eating Japanese food.
Habits that's make Prefect Health
 The reason why Japanese food is healthy is that it is said to be a healthy diet with a good nutritional balance. For one reason, it was registered as a healthy practice by UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2013. A Japanese meal is usually composed of one soup and three side dishes. Rice, the main dish, is high in carbohydrates. Fish or soy products are high in protein. You can get vitamins and minerals from simmered and pickled vegetables. In addition, fermented foods such as miso and natto will improve intestinal digestion. In this way, Japanese food is a well-balanced and healthy diet, so you can keep your body youthful and healthy. I love eating Japanese food. It's delicious and you can eat various kinds of colorful ingredients, so it's very fun to eat. But honestly, I'm not good at making it. This is because there are many products and seasonings you need to prepare, and it takes a lot of time and effort. So, if you are good at cooking, please give it a try and make some Japanese food. Sixth, the habit of drinking matcha. In modern Japan, not so many people usually drink matcha, but Japan has a habit of drinking matcha. The reason why matcha is healthy is that matcha contains an abundant amount of nutrients. For example, it is rich in minerals such as calcium and dietary fibers. It also contains many antioxidants such as catechins. Moreover, since matcha is made from tea leaves, it contains several times more nutrients than ordinary tea. That's why I always drink matcha every morning. I feel that drinking matcha every morning not only makes me healthier but also makes me feel relaxed while also boosting my work performance. By the way, my great-grandmother also drank matcha every morning. I don't know if it was actually because of the matcha, but my grandma lived healthily until she was nearly 100 years old. Seventh, the habit of hiking mountains. There are many mountains in Japan, and many people make it a habit to climb those mountains. I think hiking is also one of the reasons why Japanese people are healthy. This is because it strengthens your legs and feet, so your body does not weaken. My grandpa went up the mountain almost every week. Even when he was over 70, he was on his feet all the time and worked in the fields every day. He lived healthily until he was about 80 years old. Summary Today I shared seven healthy habits in Japan.
Habits that's make Prefect Health
What did you think of them? I'm sure some people might be surprised that it was completely different from the customs of your country. But, if you are interested in any of these habits, please try to incorporate habits into your life. And let's create a healthy life together! Stay safe, and have fun I hope to see you in the next blog!! Bye bye!