How to clear your skin from Acne, Dryness| PanOxyal Acne Foaming Wash Reviews
PanOxyal Acne Foaming 

I'm going to tell you guys how to use a mainstay acne fighting ingredient benzoyl peroxide in a simple and inexpensive skincare routine that will clear your skin and keep it clear at this school year.

My favorite benzoyl peroxide containing products are the PanOxyal washes. I used PanOxyal Acne Foaming in the shower to control acne breakouts on my body related to working out as a dermatologist I have always recommended PanOxyal washes to patients with acne.

 I'm partnering with crown the maker of PanOxyal Acne Foaming Wash on todays. You guys about how to use their washes in a very effective simple and inexpensive skincare routine for clear skin.

So why benzoyl peroxide you might ask been sold peroxide as an ingredient has a few strengths that make it ideal for targeting acne and breakouts. 

First of all it is antibacterial it helps to reduce the number of bacteria on the surface of your skin that contribute to acne namely Propionic bacterium acnes. Who actually recently has been renamed Kei bacterium acnes but this is the bacteria in our pores that contributes to acne and flares of acne benzoyl peroxide can reduce the amount of that little bacteria on our skin benzoyl peroxide is also anti-inflammatory a big part of what drives acne is inflammation coming into the skin and that inflammation leads to redness and an abnormal proliferation of skin cells that plug up the pores and lead to acne.

The Antione inventory properties of benzoyl peroxide along with the antibacterial properties really make it a powerful ingredient and then it also is a Kamino lytic and what that means is that it is an ingredient that can dissolve the block blocked up and plugged up little orifice ease of your pores it's that blockage that can really set the stage for flares of acne.

Now if you've ever used benzoyl peroxide before you're keenly familiar with the side effects namely dryness irritation and peeling really common with benzoyl peroxide also if benzoyl peroxide touches your fabrics it will bleach them don't worry it doesn't bleach your skin but it can bleach your fabrics your towels your clothing if it gets on to onto those.

You can use benzoyl peroxide effectively and reduce these side effects by using it in a wash form that's why I'm such a fan of PanOxyal washes they make a ten-percent wash and a 4% creamy wash you may be wondering what the difference is between using 10% and 4% benzoyl peroxide at 10 percent concentration versus 4 percent concentration is as effective for controlling acne reducing the amount of Propionic bacterium acnes in the skin and reducing the burden of acne lesions.

However higher strengths will get you to that level of control a little bit more quickly than lower percentage shrinks unfortunately the higher percentage shrinks are more likely to cause side effects of dryness irritation and peeling. So 10 percent strength a benzoyl peroxide in the 10 percent PanOxyal it's a good choice for getting good rapid control of acne whether it be on your face chest bag elsewhere on your body.

But you know it can be a little more irritating and a little more drawing down the 4% the 4% will get you good control just not as quickly but with lots of irritation washes are also great because they don't stay on the skin they're not only are they less irritating because they don't stay on the skin but you don't run into the risk of bleaching, your clothing or towels or pillowcases that you do would they leave on product so wash forms are really effective you only need a short contact time of about 2 to 3 minutes and you totally get all the advantages of benzoyl peroxide with much much much reduced risk of irritation dryness peeling and no bleaching of your clothing or fabrics.

PanOxyal washes are pH balanced and contain four different emollients and three different humectants to deliver hydration to the skin and to keep the skin moisturized and cut down on the risk of dryness and irritation associated with the benzoyl peroxide making PanOxyal washes a really ideal for people with sensitive skin who need to use benzoyl peroxide as part of their acne routine in terms of using PanOxyal washes in your acne fighting routine.

Step number one is for example on your face - just use a gentle cleanser to remove makeup sunscreen mascara what-have-you from your face before then using the PanOxyal you don't want to put PanOxyal or benzoyl peroxide directly onto a film of dirt and makeup and water-resistant sunscreen.

The benzoyl peroxide will begin to cause more irritation when admixed with those ingredients and that dirt so go ahead and wash that off and then after you have rinsed off your cleanser and cosmetics then you want to a wet face lather on the benzoyl peroxide.

First you can just lather it to areas say on the face for example that are more acne prone as a gentle way to introduce it into your routine this also can be done on the body as well like for example on your chest or back whether to the area say around your nose on your nose that may be affected by acne as well as on your chin and forehead later on.

How to clear your skin from Acne, Dryness| PanOxyal Acne Foaming Wash Reviews
PanOxyal Acne Foaming 

if you're someone who has acne on your cheeks you can also try it loitering it there if you want to lather it in a very gentlemen are using your fingertips in circular motions this will help to direct the benzoyl peroxide down into the pores just simple circular motions with your finger pads and then just leave the benzoyl peroxide lather on your skin for approximately two to three minutes.

How to clear your skin from Acne, Dryness| PanOxyal Acne Foaming Wash Reviews
 PanOxyal Acne Foaming 

That's all it takes for benzoyl peroxide to begin to localize where it needs to and exert its control. After the two to three minutes then you just rinse off not that mask that you've created with the lather after rinsing while the skin is still damp then what you lastly want to do is to use a moisturizer this will further helped you cut down on dryness and irritation associated with the benzoyl peroxide.

Using a moisturizer to your face or once your body that is labeled noncom genic oil-free. If you're using a benzoyl peroxide wash PanOxyal wash in the morning as part of your morning skincare routine you want you then after you have rinsed it off you want to apply a moisturizing sunscreen that is oil-free it's important to wear sunscreen to protect your skin from the Sun do not skip out on sunscreen for fear of flaring your acne it's actually a really important part in acne control as well as in protecting your skin from the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation.

You need to wear sunscreen all year round every day even when it's cloudy out and even when you're inside all day studying you still need to wear some sunscreen because sun that comes through the window can contribute to you flares of your acne to hyperpigmentation and with time can't age the skin even further so it's important Daily a to wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen.

 So I hope this routine and these talking points are helpful to you guys who are coping with flares of acne this back-to-school season and getting your skin clear and keeping good control of that acne.

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